

Monday, 14 December 2015

Risk assessment

Risk assessment
Dystopia Pictures

Level of Risk
Tripping over equipment and appliances
 Scenes 1-10
In order to prevent any members falling over appliances resulting to broken leg/arm etc I will ensure all equipment and appliances are put away safely towards a corner and not in the way of actors during production. Before any camera work begins I will ensure everyone taking part is aware of the surroundings which are being used for filming and therefore they will know the boundaries to which areas are not to be used and where all the equipment is if they need to use it.
Spillage of food and drink
Scene 2- The breakfast table
Due to use of food and liquid in scene 2 there is a potential risk of spillage of liquid which could lead to: harm in electronics, and other cast members slipping in order to ensure this does not occur I will make sure Hajera (playing Sarah) is cautious and weary when shooting the scene.
Falling from a great height
Scene 7
As I will be using a time lapse in my film of the sun set to show the transition from light to dark and day to night, I will be in a very high building on the top floor recording for a few hours. The dangers involve falling over from a great hieght I order to prevent this I have therefore found a location that is convenient as it has a glass window which I will be recording from.
Light sensitivity
When using lighting as some individuals may have light sensitivity (whether mild or severe). The use of light, specifically high key artificial lights which (are adjustable ranging from extremely bright to extremely dim) may lead to individuals having eye related problems, as the change in lighting effects the eyes, in order to avoid this I will ask each member whether they are light sensitive and adjust the lighting accordingly depending on the scene, mes en scen needed and their own comfort.
Chemicals in makeup
Scene 6-9

As my theme is zombie I will be using make up to dress my zombies to ensure I capture the best possible mes en scen within my abilities, certain makeup has chemicals which could cause a potential risk to skin such as irritation and unwanted nuisance. In order to avoid this I will test all the makeup I am using on my zombies before filming and ask each person playing a zombie how they feel and where their comfort lies in using the makeup
Over working characters
When filming although it takes rigours, long hours to film, there is a risk of over-working the actors and actresses which could lead to back/leg/body pain and general fatigue and poor health. I will ensure that none of my actors and actresses do not feel they are being over-worked because I will spread the filming time out to make sure that they are not constantly beign filmed also I will make sure that they have regular breaks and stay dehydrated.